Buchhorn from Stangenberg to Mt. Eden, Alameda, California, USA

A Buchhorn family came from Stangenberg (Stazki in Poland today) in Westprussia. I found the family members on the passenger lists of Castle Garden and Ellis Island the first time. The destination of the family was New York but nothing could be found about them. The censuses, conducted every 10 years, gave clarity. In fact, the family went to California.

Please see the following table for closer information.

Califoria, USA

Buchhorn Friedrich Wilhelmine August Bertha Amalie Wilhelm
Occupation Labourer Child Labourer Child Wife Farmer
Age 22 14 25 11 54 54
Arrival 14.11.1889 14.11.1889 08.12.1890 21.05.1891 21.05.1891 21.05.1891
Harbour of
 Swinemünde Swinemünde Hamburg
Le Havre
 Swinemünde Swinemünde Swinemünde
 Stangenberg Stangenberg Stangenberg Stangenberg Stangenberg Stangenberg
Destination New York New York USA USA New York New York
Ship Slavonia Slavonia Rhaetia Italia Italia Italia

As I could see, were Friedrich and Wilhelmine the first members who left Westprussia in 1889. August followed them in 1890 and Bertha, Amalie and Wilhelm in 1891.
The next information I found about them was taken from the census of 1900.
Wilhelm was mentioned as head of the family, who was called Ferdinand now. The family name Buchhorn became Buckhorn. Ferdinand was born in Prussia in October 1837 and was 62 years old in 1900. His occupation was farmer.
Remark: Four children went to America and so must be one child still living in Germany.
Friedrich and August are mentioned but not Wilhelmine and Bertha. Probably both girls married and left the household before the 1900 census took place.

The following years must be very turbulent for the family. A Ferdinand Buchhorn family couldn't be found in the 1910 census. The only family members who were mentioned were August and Ferdinand.
August founded his own family. He married Hermine Gronewold who was called Harmina in America. Harmina was 23 years old and so she must be born abt. 1887. She came from Moordorf in East Frisia in Germany to America in 1908. Ferdinand lived with August's family and was 73 years old at that time. He was a widower. So Amalie died between 1900 and 1910. The family lived in the village of Mt. Eden in Alameda county, California.

The census of 1920 reports an private house in the village of Redwoods. The family has become much larger and consisted of 8 persons. Beside August and Harmina are also mentioned the children Helena (7 years old), Bertha (6 years old), Augusta (5 years old), Edna (4 years old), Reinhold (3 years old) and Margareta (1 year old). Ferdinand is not mentioned. He died before the 1920 census took place.

According to information of the census of 1930, didn't change the family very much. The family was called Buchhorn again and did move to Oakland. A further son was born and was called Henry (8 years old).

From the "California Death Index 1940 - 1997" was taken:
August Buchhorn, born October 10, 1865, died June 30, 1946.

Who knows more?

Knopf   To the overview of the family data.

Knopf   To the the family announcements.

I want to thank Elizabeth Arrington from Arizona, USA. Her information and great support brought me on the right track.
Thank you, Lisa.

Revised: February 07, 2015